
Eurekahedge Multi-Factor Risk Premia Index

Jun 2021 Return: 2.26% 3-Month Return: 3.69% 2021 Return: 4.76% 2020 Return: -5.24% Bloomberg Ticker: EHFI900

Index Returns

The Eurekahedge Multi-Factor Risk Premia Index (Bloomberg Ticker - EHFI900) is Eurekahedge’s flagship factor-based product. The index is composed exclusively multiple strategies managed by large global banks, and is designed to provide a broad measure of the performance of a diversified portfolio of systematic drivers of risk and return across asset classes.

The index is USD denominated. The index is currently utilised by institutional investors and fund managers to benchmark their risk premia portfolios.

For more information on the index methodology, please click here.

Please note that due to an improvement in the index calculation methodology and certain technical enhancements in the data aggregation process, the values of Eurekahedge Multi Asset Risk Premia Index have been restated since the period beginning 30 July 2010. For more information please contact us at

For a list of index holidays, please click here.
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